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The Carnivore Diet: 4 Keys to Doincarg it Right (2019)



What’s up you guys! Welcome to this week’s video.



There’s something that’s been happened recently in the social media sphere that I want to talk to you guys about.



It’s really exciting, this is the carnivore diet. I don’t know if you guys have heard about this.



It’s a diet where you eat only animal products so just let me clarify what the diet is for a moment.



It’s no plant products, so no spices, no vegetables, no fruit.



It’s a diet that consists of animal meat, collagen, eggs, salt as seasoning but it includes the whole animal.



So I want to talk to you guys about this diet because I’ve been doing it.



I love to jump into this stuff. I’m always curious about these things and I heard really interesting things about this diet with regard to autoimmunity.



Lots of people are commenting in social media.



People who have rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune conditions and saying that they’re getting great results of this diet.



So I was very much intrigued and I think that this is the key with the diet potentially.



The idea that by removing all of the plant antigens, we are essentially creating a really powerful elimination diet, And that some people in the population might react to plant antigens and that might trigger autoimmunity.



So I thought I would give it a try myself and after doing it for about a month, I’m gonna do a separate video telling you how I do it and how I feel.



But I want to give you guys four key things about this diet that I think are important to consider from a biochemical nutritional medical standpoint if you’re gonna try it.



The first thing that I would think about is the methionine glycine ratio and hopefully that’s not too much biochemistry.



Let me just tell you guys about this real quickly, methionine is an amino acid that’s in muscle meat.



And on a carnivore diet, it’s really easy to think you’re just gonna to eat a lot of steaks.



But it’s important that if you’re going to eat the muscle meat of an animal, you also eat the connective tissue.



And if it’s hard to get connective tissue, you want supplement with collagen, hydrolyzed collagen.



And the idea is that finding in muscle meat and glycine is more prevalent in connective tissue.



If you only eat muscle meat, you’re going to get to much methionine and you’re not gonna get enough glycine.



Why is this an issue? This is gonna be a little bit biochemistry based.



But methionine is a carrier of methyl groups, when you have too much methionine, it uses up your body’s glycine to buffer the methyl groups.



That’s about where I’ll go for now if you want more videos on methylation, I’m happy to tell you.



But it’s important to know if you eat a bunch of methionine and muscle meat, you gotta balance it with glycine or your biochemistry is gonna get all messed up.



Number two, I think it’s important to carefully consider your macros on a carnivore diet.



And what I mean by that is your ratio of protein to fat because there’s no carbohydrates on this diet.



So we know from history of Arctic explorers who try to eat small animals that if you only eat protein or your protein to fat ratio gets too high.



That means if the protein is too high compared to the fat you’re taking in, you can get what’s called rabbit sickness.



And basically this is just the idea that in order for your body’s biochemistry, in order to your engine in your body to work, you need fat and you need a certain ratio of fat to protein to work best.



So I think the ideal ratio to shoot for is two to one, fat to protein in terms of calories.



So when we’re looking for sources of fat, we can start with fatty meats and ribeye is perennial favorite, it’s amazing.



It’s fatty but not even fatty enough generally speaking you’re gonna to add extra fat, so where do you get the extra fat from?



So what I’ve done and this is work for me is there’s a lot of companies that make tallow which is rendered beef fat, you can get lard which is rendered pork fat.



But you’re gonna need to have something like that ghee which is clarified butter depending how sensitive you are to dairy, and you’re gonna to add fat to your meat.



And you can mess with these ratios, you don’t have to hit this ratio of two to one fats of protein perfectly.

你可以調整脂肪與蛋白質的比例,不需要完美遵照 21的脂肪和蛋白質的比例(卡路里)。


But if you’re not feeling great on this diet, it’s something to consider if you’re eating a lot of protein and you’re not eating a lot of fat with it.



And if you push your fat up, I bet you’ll feel better, all right?



So number three, this one is really critical, this is really interesting, this is about eating nose to tail in the animal.



And this is a really important evolutionary fact, our ancestors did not just eat ribeye or tenderloin when they killed an animal.



They ate the heart, they ate the lungs, they ate the liver which is super nutritious and they ate the brain and they ate the skin.



So the skin has a lot of collagen which goes to back to what I was talking about in point one.



But the liver is really a powerhouse of nutrients, it is nature’s multivitamin, fact while the vitamins were designed to mimic the liver because liver is considered sacred to most every indigenous culture.



When an animal is killed, the liver is eaten immediately.



It is usually eaten raw and distributed among all the members of the tribe.



It’s such a valuable source of nutrients.



There are so many great things in liver, B vitamins which were really not present in muscle meat so we’re talking all of them, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, B12, pantothenic acid.



Liver is full of these B vitamins, minerals, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc, the list goes on and on.



Choline, which is important for the formation of neurotransmitters and cell membranes.



Vitamin A in the retinol form which is the pre-made form of vitamin A prevalent in the liver.



If you only eat muscle meat, you’ll miss out on a lot of these things.



Vitamin C is talked a lot in the carnivore community, liver is a pretty good source of vitamin C actually.



It’s about 30 milligrams of vitamin C in 3 ounces of liver.



So what I would recommend to people who are considering or on a carnivore diet is to include some liver in your diet.



How much? I think anywhere 3 to 8 ounces a week is totally safe and will put you much better off in terms of micronutrients.



If you’re gonna get over 8 ounces a week, I think you have to think about where some of your other micronutrients are coming from.



You don’t want to get too much vitamin A, but even 8 ounces of liver a week is not going to give you too much vitamin A, this is not polar bear liver we’re talking about.



There’s all these people talk about polar bear liver, you’re gonna get vitamin A poisoning.



Beef liver is what I usually recommend, you’re not get vitamin A toxicity with 8 ounces of liver a week, all right?



Number four, last but not least.



You guys all heard of these omega-3 fatty acids so grass-fed meat is gonna have more EPA and DHA which are the main omega-3 fatty acids.



But if we only eat the muscle meat, we’re gonna be missing out on omega-3 fatty acids.



This is things like seafood can come into play on a carnivorous diet or egg yolks which are great sources of DHA, too.



If you’re eating seafood, you’re gonna be getting DHA.



If you don’t want to eat seafood, you can eat egg yolks, liver has some omega-3 acids but you need to think about this as well in your diet.



If you’re only eat muscle meat and you’re not eating egg yolks or seafood, you might not be getting enough essential fatty acids.



And we’re really talking about the omega-3s here, because the meat is gonna have some omega-6s which are also essential, all right?



So these are my four things in review.



Number one, methionine glycine ratio.



And I think the easiest thing with this one is to consider that if you’re eating 100 grams of muscles meat, you should get at least 10 grams of collagen with that.



Number two, fats approaching ratio.



This is considering your macros, I would shoot for about two to one in terms of calories.



And you can do that by getting fatty meat and adding fat to it, but don’t just eat protein, you don’t want to get rabbit sickness.



Number three is organ meats, gotta eat the liver.



I know a lot of people don’t like the liver but it’s an important thing.



It has so many micronutrients in it and it’s a way to really make this diet evolutionary consistent and increase your micronutrient intake.



And number four is essential fatty acids, we’re talking about omega-3s, think about liver, egg yolks or seafood for these, all right?



I think if you do these things, a carnivorous diet is going to be much more sustainable and it’s going to be more nutritious from what I can tell.



Like what I said at the beginning of this video, I think this diet has a lot of really interesting potential in terms of autoimmune diseases.



I think we’re gonna see more and more people doing this, long term or short term.



I think it can be really interesting as a therapeutic trial for people with autoimmune diseases.



I’ve also seen improvement in people with mental health stuff, depression, anxiety with this diet.



So it’s something to think about it, you just got to do it right and it challenges you to think about where you’re getting nutrients and where your food is coming from.



Thanks for watching this video guys, if you like it, give me a like, comment if you have questions. Coming back with more soon, I’ll see you later.



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